hi beautiful human,
i want to take a moment to chat with my fellow HSPs (highly sensitive people). how are you feeling right now? in the midst of the current news cycle, are you carving out enough time to center and regulate yourself? if not, it may be helpful to use this newsletter as a reminder that it’s the most important thing you can do not only for yourself, but for the human collective.
i’ve come to realize that embodying worry, fear, and overwhelm doesn’t help anyone or anything. i used to think that if i suffered it was a sign of solidarity with others but its become clear that energy exchanges don’t quite work like that.
if you’re empathizing with the plight of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, please adjust yourself enough to filter out any unhelpful energy so that you can transmit only light, hope, and love toward the situation. if you’re falling into rabbit holes of tragic news updates (like I have at times done) all it’ll do is drag you deeper into despair which will not ultimately uplift anyone, especially those we’re empathizing with.
of course, it’s important to never turn a blind eye to the suffering of others but as HSPs we must be intentional about how we utilize our highly attuned energies.
balance. pray. be of service. relentlessly love.
a highly sensitive person trying her best
below are some organizations you can support to directly assist those affected by the war
a magical rose tea i’m officially obsessed with (thanks Sam!!!)
if you need a healthy french toast recipe look no further
a warm and sultry playlist curated by Syd
this herb helps with anxiety relief and women’s reproductive health
an all natural supplement that i just bought literally called joy
this free book is all about a woman who dedicated her life to peace and the tenants she lived by to create a beautiful inner world
an app that will tell you how safe or toxic your beauty products are
this blog post is a reminder to handle everyone with care, especially these days
the do’s and dont’s of helping a friend in need
a MUST HAVE for all thick-thighed baddies
an interesting reframe of the phrase ‘starting a family’