letter 30: hedonistic hot girl summer
hedonism: the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.
the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.
hi boo’s,
well, summer is right around the corner (exactly one month away as of yesterday, but who’s counting?!) and I’m committed to having an epic one. if i’m being completely with you, I haven’t had a *good summer* since 2018, and that makes me sad. over the past few years, my inner world has been in shambles and while i’ve had many glimpses of joy, it wasn’t until I pressed restart and moved to Mexico City that I was able to actually begin coming back to life.
if there’s anything i’ve learned throughout my late 20s and now in my early 30s, it’s that life is unpredictable. none of us know what awaits us around the corner. with that in mind, now that I’ve accessed grounding/balance/okayness, I am committing myself to celebrating life boldly because I know all too well what it’s like to feel the coldness of a depressed and overwhelmed existence. in the midst of battling depression, burnout, a pandemic, and the complete overhaul of my life I missed out on so much happiness and presence, but i’m changing that pattern now, and subsequently this summer.
i’m leaning into pleasure and joy. i’m eating the yummiest food. i’m taking up my friends on every invite possible (cc Shonda Rhimes’ Year Of Yes). i’m manifesting abundance of all kinds and allowing myself to receive it without hesitation. i’m dressing up. i’m open to being doted on.
i’m making unforgettable memories in honor of younger me who was too dissociated to do any of this in the recent past.
and look, I say all of this being acutely aware of the perils the world is facing, but this is where that quote “joy as resistance” comes to mind. i’ll be doing my part to contribute to impacting the world for the better in whatever way I can, and opposing the fuckery playing out in government, but I will also be laughing my ass off and finally enjoying my life along the way.
I hope you do too.
wishing you wellness,
cat, a gal tryin’ her best
the Chats with Cat podcast is currently being featured on apple podcast in honor of mental health awareness month
the most recent episode of my podcast featuring one of my sisters, Natalie Edgar, where we chat about motherhood, the 4th trimester, community, and more
what’s the cost of quick fix culture? (well+good)
time management makeover tips, inspired by Jenny odell (refinery 29)
how to ethically break off a friendship (shondaland)
7 signs that you’re likely under eating (well+good)
if you’re not already tongue scraping, you should reconsider (ny times)
is it burnout or depression? (ny times)
how to make a decision without writing out a pros and cons list (wondermind)
tips on how to avoid ruining your sleep despite your late night scrolling (self)
a glimpse into what gemini season has to offer us (refinery 29)